Tobacco Board authorises 100 million kg crop size for Karnataka during 2024-25

A file photo of Tobacco Board staff examining the quality of seedlings in a nursery.
| Photo Credit: ARRANGEMENT

The Tobacco Board has authorised a crop size of 100 million kg for Karnataka during the year 2024-25.

G. Bulli Subba Rao, Regional Manager of Tobacco Board, Mysuru, said that the board has authorised tobacco cultivation on 1.70 lakh hectares by registered tobacco growers at the rate of 1,806 kg per simplex barn.

While pointing out that the registration process for upcoming crop season will commence on March 27, the Regional Manager urged tobacco growers to take up cultivation only within the area authorised to them, and not to cultivate tobacco in excess of the authorised area and without registration with the board.

“The growers are also requested to take up cultivation of alternative crops along with tobacco so that farmers could be safeguarded against any possible market fluctuations, which will ensure sustainability of farming,” he added.

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