Stray Kitten Springs From Bushes And Runs To Her Chosen Mom

Cassie, a horse owner and animal lover, stumbled upon an adorable kitten that would change her life forever. It all began with a strange chirping noise that led Cassie to a row of bushes. As the young woman got closer, a tiny frightened kitten jumped out and ran over to her. She meowed repeatedly until Cassie picked her up. At first, the kitten hissed, but then she quickly warmed up to Cassie, sensing she was a good person who would help her. The kitten, later named Charm, realized that she was now safe, and she was grateful to be rescued.

The parched kitten immediately started drinking water from puddles on the ground, prompting Cassie to find a frisbee to use as a makeshift bowl. Charm drank and drank, quenching her thirst. Cassie then remembered she had cat food in her car for her own cat and gave some to the hungry kitten, who devoured it gratefully.

Cassie could tell that the kitten did not want to leave her side, even climbing onto her shoulder to stay close. Cassie had to finish tending to her horses, so she locked the kitten in the tack room for a short time. Upon returning, she found Charm eager to follow her wherever she went, never leaving her side. Cassie knew then that the kitten was meant to stay with her forever.

After taking Charm home and placing her in a crate, Cassie noticed that she was infested with fleas. She immediately gave the kitten a bath, which revealed the kitten’s true appearance – a tiny, wet creature with huge ears. After a good night’s sleep, Charm was like a new animal – spunky, fearless, and full of energy.

Charm quickly became a part of the family, showing no fear of the other cats or dogs in the household. Despite weighing only about two pounds, she had no problem chasing the dogs and cats around the living room. Charm formed a particularly close bond with Cassie’s Sphynx cat, Gru, engaging in playful antics together.

Five or six months have passed since Charm’s rescue, and she is still a feisty little troublemaker, bringing joy and laughter to Cassie and her family. Charm’s name reflects the luck of their chance encounter and the happiness she brings to her new home. To meet the adorable kitten and witness her heartwarming rescue, check out the video below. We are so grateful that Cassie was at the right place at the right time!

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