How To Make Islamic Classes Fun For Kids

Our children are our source of virtue. Their upbringing is as essential as our image is. It is a matter of time that Kids turned grown-ups without realizing the time. So, we should focus on their timely teaching towards learning Islam. Getting them enrolled in Islamic classes is a viable practice for their religious knowledge. However, it’s also a challenge to know how to make Islamic classes for kids fun. We will say, don’t render them to feel these are the classes but rather involved in the activities such that they don’t take it as a burden.

Why Islamic Education Learning Should Be Fun?

Every parent knows how hard it can be to get kids excited about praying Salah and reading the Quran. As a confidently Muslim charity, we at Penny Appeal know that all blessings come from Allah SWT, and we want to encourage all kids to build their Deen. So, we’ve come up with a list of five simple ways to teach your children about Islam.

Here we go to share with you five ways to teach your kids Islamic classes in a jolly way. Let’s find out how! 

1. Make Salah kid-friendly

It can be confusing for kids trying to learn how to pray, but there are ways to make Salah easier to understand for them. Parents and teachers should pray before the kids. Don’t stop or scold them, even if they walk around while you are praying. You can use toys, especially teddy bears and dolls, to show them how these toys bow and prostrate to Allah (SWT). Some companies have developed a cute, cuddly, fun guide to Salah for kids. This toy game shows the prayer of a bear. Small dolls can also perform prayers. The Toys Prayer Activity is an amazing Islamic gift for kids, which will help teach them how to pray through play. Buy them a small prayer mat so that they can be enthusiastic about prayer. It can help encourage Salah for kids, too.

2. Inspire with Hadith for kids

There are so many beautiful hadith for kids that are filled with wisdom from the Prophet Muhammad PBUH. For example, “None of you truly believes until he wishes for his brother what he wishes for himself” (Bukhari and Muslim). And if you are a mother, perhaps you’d like to teach this Hadith to your kids: “Heaven lies at the feet of your mother” (Ahmad Nasai). You can purchase Hadith for kids’ books.  The books contain the Hadith for kids; perhaps you could read one each night with your little ones.

3. Tell Quranic stories

 How many times have you felt truly inspired by the Holy Quran, and how many of those times were you inspired by one of its stories? From Surah Yusuf to the tale of the Prophet Noah, there are so many amazing stories in the Quran. You could start your own Islamic reading club or just stock up on some excellent Islamic kids’ books like “Under My Hijab” or “Hassan and Anissa Love Ramadan.” on YouTube.Telling Quran stories is a great way to teach kids about Islam.

4. Celebrate Muslim talent

There are so many family-friendly Islamic events out there where kids can have fun and learn about Islam at the same time. For example, online Islamic classes also show animated videos for Muslim pantomime, and you can also have the Big Muslim Variety Show coming up, featuring Nasheed artists, beatboxers, and comedy in these classes. It is advised to parents and Quran teachers to watch series and Islamic stories that teach how to make wudu and how to pray Salah. These videos will not only keep their interest intact in learning Islam but also develop their understanding of religious studies. 

5. Start with you

More than anything else, kids will model their faith after yours. If you are more interested in Snapchat than Salaam, your kids are going to pick up on that. Focus on building up your faith, and your children will want to follow in your footsteps and build their own Deen Simple. It is not a good practice to put everything to learn on your kids by themselves, but it is your responsibility to be involved in the learning activities that can help your kids learn Islam. After all, children belong to us, and we belong to them. Therefore, it is also our religious duty to bring up our kids according to Islamic morality and ethics. In this regard, online or visual Islamic classes must be fun to make Islamic learning an exciting amusement.

Final Thoughts  

Religion is not about being funny; somehow, you need to make it rather fun to bring your kids towards Islam. Otherwise, your children might get vexed by the learning process. That’s the reason why both teachers and parents should turn their ways to make Islamic learning fun. May Allah Almighty guide you and your children with the light of Hidayah and ease the ways for you and your young ones to learn Islam in the true sense. We sign off with prayerful thoughts that your offspring may be the source of blessings for you. Amen.

International academic consultant, master teacher trainer, editor, e-content developer, project manager and specializing in education for the Middle East. Hamed has a demonstrated history of working in the education management industry. He is skilled in coaching, staff development, and instructional design.

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